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8-bit Madness with a Retro Upgrade

Bite the Bullet Review by Mega Cat Studios

Well it’s been a while since I have played and 8-bit game that has keep my interest for over 30 mins now a days. This game was something different it was nostalgic and at the same time new!

I have always like games that were very easy to pick and continue without having to try to figure out what I was doing last or where I was for that matter. Bite the Bullet is just that you know what’s next and you are ready to kill and eat your victims and it can all start within seconds with out a bunch of load scenes and cut scenes the action starts now.

The game is available for PC/XBOX/PS4/ SWITCH it gives you many options to get your kill on. I played it on Pc using an Xbox controller that synced up no problem and the controller layout was great. I was ready to Kill! The game showed lots of new age retro vibes while staying true to certain old school ways but over all a great blend. I played the game for 4 hours and found that just like the game devil may cry I got better and it showed I was jumping and killing and eating and it was glorious and I didn’t notice any struggles other than one thing that made the game a bit tough at times.

The visuals of the game were very busy at times and sometimes made you lose the sight of characters. Some scenes had a lot of moving parts that are great but when you are killing that many bad guys sometimes it would look like and 8 bit mess. Gun progression was good but could use more options I found every shotgun was only a bit better than the one I had nothing to blow my mind, but this could be coming in later levels. Enemies seemed well balanced and level length is just right for a great pick up and go style of game.

I’m looking Forward to finishing the game and seeing how the game continues to evolve! I do suggest if you are a retro style gamer or even someone that wants to break into new school retro this game is for you. You will get everything you need in a fast-paced game that won’t leave you disappointed.

My only suggestion is to get it on Switch, or Console I think it’s a great travel game for switch and with its 2 player co-op it would be great for a friend to come over to sit and mash buttons together.

I love the game and look forward to many more hours and want to thank Mega Cat Studios for the opportunity to enjoy this new age retro game.

Game Review Video Click Here

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